
Insert Flash Swf in PowerPoint

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How to Insert Flash Clocks in Powerpoint Presentation


MatsClock is a .swf Flash file that runs in any Powerpoint Presentation Slide and gives it a professional look. Adobe Flash Player is required to run these files. But most browsers today and the latest PowerPoint Software have not given the feature to run the .swf file extensions by default. But it is possible to run by changing the default settings.

You can choose a Free Flash Clock from the long list of MatsClocks available for Download absolutely Free from www.MatsClock.Com To run MatsClock in your powerpoint presentations you need to insert the flash clock file into a slide. You do not have to buy a wallclock and hang it next to your presentation screen wasting money. Just insert a free flash clock into to your presentation slides depending upon which version of Microsoft Office PowerPoint you have in your Computer, just follow the instructions as below.

Powerpoint 97 & 2000

Powerpoint 2007

Powerpoint 2010

Powerpoint 2013 & 2016

How to Insert Free Flash Clocks in Powerpoint 2000

In PowerPoint 97/2000, create a new slide. From the VIEW menu, scroll down to TOOLBARS and choose VISUAL BASIC. From the Visual Basic Toolbar, click on the CONTROL TOOLBOX icon and from the CONTROL TOOLBOX, select MORE CONTROLS icon.

Now scroll down the list and choose SHOCKWAVE FLASH OBJECT. Your cursor changes to a crosshair cursor. Draw out a rectangle on your slide. You can resize the rectangle later. Now right click on the rectangle you just drew and choose PROPERTIES.

In the Alphabetic tab, Change EMBED MOVIE to TRUE. Change LOOP to FALSE. Leave it TRUE if you want the clock to run continuously. Change MOVIE type in the absolute path of your MatsClock.swf file (eg. c:\your_directory\MatsClock.swf). If the .swf is in the same folder as the PowerPoint file then all you need to type is the matsclock.swf

Run slide show to see your MatsClock.swf run in your Powerpoint Slideshow Presentation. Make any size adjustments as necessary. Note: Flash Player is required to run MatsClock.swf on your computer.


How to Insert Free Flash Clocks in Powerpoint 2007.

In PowerPoint 2007 open a new slide. Now click on the Microsoft Office Button, and then click PowerPoint Options and then Click Popular. Now click to select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box under Top options for working with PowerPoint 2007, and click OK.

On the Developer tab, click More Controls in the Controls group. In the list of controls that opens, click Shockwave Flash Object, click OK. Now drag on the slide to draw the control and resize that control by dragging the sizing handles. Now right-click the Shockwave Flash Object, and then click Properties.

On the Alphabetic tab, click the Movie property and in the value column (the blank cell next to the Movie), type the full drive path, including the file name (for example, C\:MatsClock.swf) or uniform resource locator (URL) to the Flash file that you want to play.

Run slide show to see your MatsClock.swf run in your Powerpoint Slideshow Presentation. Make any size adjustments as necessary. Note: Flash Player is required to run MatsClock.swf on your computer.


How to Insert Free Flash Clocks in Powerpoint 2010.

In PowerPoint 2010, display in normal view the slide on which you want to play the animation. Now Click File, and then click Options. Click the Customize Ribbon option and then tick the check box labeled Developer in the right list, and click OK. On the Developer tab, click the More Controls button in the Controls group.

In the list of controls that open, click Shockwave Flash Object and click OK. Now drag on the slide to draw the control. Now resize the control by dragging the sizing handles. Right-click on the Shockwave Flash Object, and then click Properties. On the Alphabetic tab, click the Movie property and in the value column (the blank cell that is next to Movie), type the full drive path, including the file name (for example, C\:MatsClock.swf) or uniform resource locator (URL) to the Flash file that you want to play in your Slide.

Run slide show to see your MatsClock.swf run in your Powerpoint Slideshow Presentation. Make any size adjustments as necessary. Note: Flash Player is required to run MatsClock.swf on your computer.


How to Insert Free Flash Clock in Powerpoint 2013 & 2016

Like the previous Powerpoint versions, the Powerpoint 2013 also needs to be configured to insert a flash file into a slide, but slightly in a different way just for the first time. Once done it is easy there after to insert a flash file into a powerpoint slide in your presentation. To do this first open the powerpoint 2013 and look for "DEVELOPER" tab on the ribbon. If you do not find "Developer" tab on the ribbon then follow these steps and then continue there after.

Click on "File" tab.

Select "Options".

Click "Customize Ribbon" on left.

In both "Choose Commands from" and "Customize Ribbon" select "All Tabs".

Choose "Developer Tab" from the left list below it.

Now Click "Add" button you see between the left and right lists.

Click "OK".

Now you should see the Developer tab on the Powerpoint 2013 ribbon.

Now to insert your Flash swf file into Powerpoint 2013, just click on "Developer" Tab.

In the ribbon look for "Controls"  and select the screw driver and spanner icon for "More Controls."

In the "More Controls" dialog scroll down and select "Shockwave Flash Object".

Click OK button to close the more controls dialog box.

In Powerpoint 2013 draw a rectangle by clicking anywhere in the slide and dragging without releasing your left mouse button and then release the left button.

You will see a rectangle with two diagonals in it.

Right Click this rectangle with your mouse and select "Property Sheet" with left mouse button.

In the Property table that opens up, look for "Movie" in the left cell .

In the empty cell on the right of "Movie" enter the location of your Flash Swf file for eg c:\downloads\matsclock.swf.

You may want to also change "EmbedMovie" to "True" in to your powerpoint 2013 presentation slide so that you DON'T have to take the swf flash file separately.

If you are always connected to internet then you may even give a real web address of your flash swf file in powerpoint 2013 version. for eg

You may tweak all other Properties in the sheet as you desire like Loop as True to run the flash swf file to repeat continuously as long as you keep the slide displayed on screen.

Close the Property sheet and Save your Powerpoint 2013 presentation.

You may change the size of the shockwave flash object rectangle whatever way you want.

Now save your presentation and run.

You should be able to see your MatsClock Free Flash swf file live and ticking in your Powerpoint 2013 presentation.

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