
MatsClock 120003 (Free)

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MatsClock 120003 - Free Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The downloaded zip file contains a set of three Free Live Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation PPT Slides. (A 12 hour digital clock, a 24 hour digital clock and an AM/PM digital clock). All these clocks run on latest PowerPoint version.

Presentation Tips - Sentence Length on a PowerPoint Slide

One of the best PowerPoint Presentation Tips which I was given decades ago was to use short sentences. A sentence should just act as a milestone that just tells my audience what is the point I am now discussing. If I write everything I am going to speak on the screen itself, then my audience would stop hearing me and will be busy reading what is written on the screen and trying to understand it. So the aim of keeping the sentence length on the screen short and crisp to the point is a very important aspect of PowerPoint Presentation to ensure the audience listens to you and are attentive. To reduce the sentence length, you remove the articles like a, an, the, etc. But when you speak, please ensure that there are no Grammatical errors.

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