
MatsClock 120017 (Free)

Free PowerPoint Digital Clock

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MatsClock 120017 - Free Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Thiis Digital Clock is nothing but a PowerPoint Presentation ppsm.   A digital clock could be running in 24 hour format or 12 hour format. A 24 hour format digital clock could give the audience a great experience. The first reason is that 24 hour format clock is normally seen only in the railway stations, metro stations, airport etc. That is because the time of departure and arrival of aircraft and trains cannot be allowed to get confused.

A confusion about the time being am or pm, could lead some passengers to miss their aircraft or trains. The 24 hour clock leaves no confusion in the passenger's mind as to what time of the day is the flight or train, morning or after noon or night. This MatsClock 240017 is designed in 24 hour digital clock to run on PowerPoint and starts running in presentation full screen mode the moment you double click after the downloaded digital clock ppsm file. And it is free to download, use and you can even share it.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips - Best Way to Place Pictures and Graphics in PowerPoint Presentation Slide

A picture or a graphics will most certainly give a better understanding to the audience on the subject being talked about through the presentation. But that picture or graphic should not steal the importance of the person presenting the subject who may have much more than what is to be understood by the audience attending the presentation. Most people make PowerPoint presentations with pictures and graphics spread out randomly. A picture or a graphic must be placed well clear of your presentation text in PowerPoint. The picture should complement what is written on the subject you are discussing at that moment. The picture or the graphics next to the text should make the audience grasp what the speaker is talking even better.

It is not always necessary to get the real picture. If you cannot get the actual picture to put into your presentation which is related to what you are speaking, then get a picture which is closely related to the subject or an act you are explaining during the course of your presentation. You could also think of placing one photo full screen on the next PowerPoint slide or place two, three four or five or six photos or graphics on a single page. More than that is boring and confuses the audience. I would prefer one or a maximum of two pictures arranged horizontally or vertically.

Microsoft PowerPoint provides tons of graphics and clip arts which you can download and use in your presentation. The internet would also be helpful to make an eye catching presentation. Keep the graphics and photos away from the text if they are on the same screen Both text and pictures are important. So do not give more importance to one and disregard the other when you are making your PowerPoint Presentations.

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