MatsClock 120020 (Free)
PowerPoint Digital Clock 120020 Next Clock >>
PowerPoint Presentation Tips - Hold Audience Attentive With Movements on Slides
The moment you start your presentation, you have to ensure that the PowerPoint slides change frequently. No audience would like to sit through a presentation using PowerPoint if a slide is left static like a picture on the wall without being changed frequently or at least its contents change. The slides must show some movement within respectable time. Leave the slide on when you speak. But ensure that you bring about a small change each time you talk about the next topic or line on the slide currently being shown during your presentation.
Whatever you do, ensure that there is a change on the content of the slide or the slide itself before people start getting bored seeing it on the screen. The length of time depends on how good a presenter you are and how long can you hold the attention of your audience and their interest. Whatever you are speaking has to confirm to what is being shown on the screen.
That is possible only if you dedicate one slide per topic. If all the lines are related then see to it that the point you are discussing is highlighted and the previous points are faded out. Also ensure that the next line does not show up. This ensure that your audience do not get distracted with either the old point you have already discussed or start their own thought process on your new point if you keep it hidden till you want to show it to them.
Although, some PowerPoint experts are of the opinion that the previous bullets should be faded, but not hidden I feel that it is up to you weather to show the previous text bullets or not. But certainly you should not show your audience what is coming up next. Otherwise your audience will go ahead of what you are saying and get distracted or lose interest. Keep them interested and keep them in suspence as to what is coming next.
Thus it can be seen that it is important to keep either the contents of the slide changing frequently as your presentation progress on a topic and the slide itself changes with a change in topic. It is certainly a good idea to make a couple of pictures are put which come in, stay for a while and then vanish with each line or bullet appears on the same slide. Ensure that the PowerPoint presentation slides change frequently, to keep a hold on your audience.
MatsClock 120020 - How to Insert a Free Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation PPT Slides
All my digital clock PowerPoint clocks models which start with 24 are designed as 24 hour format digital clocks and those which start with 12 are 12 hour digital clocks. If there is an alphabet "A" suffixed to the six digit model number then that MatsClock is an AM/PM digital clock. So is MatsClock 120020 which is a 12 hour format digital clock designed in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation software.
All my digital and analog clocks are free to download and use as well as share online and offline. You can Free Download this digital clock and run it by just double clicking the downloaded file to start the clock.
A clock running before your presentation begins and after your presentation finishes is a very relaxing experience for the audience. A digital clock running full screen will certainly uplift the mood of the audience who would already be impressed seeing the MatsClock digital clock. Their expectation about your professional competence in presentation would be already charged and now it is up to you to cash in on this alert and interested state of mind of your audience.